An ATMA corporate HR workshop in collaboration with Schneider Electric

On the 26th of July, the Asia Talent Mobility Alliance held a half day workshop for its corporate HR members to help them kick start their global mobility sustainability journey. The workshop was hosted and led by Sanjala Hari, from Schneider Electric’s Sustainability Business consulting practice, alongside Stephen Park and his global mobility team.
Following up on the inaugural ATMA ESG event in April, which attracted nearly 40 participants for educational sessions from industry experts on ESG within global mobility, this workshop focused on a hands-on approach for HR members eager to begin their sustainability journey, build a business case and develop a strategy.
The Schneider team kicked off by reviewing the participant companies’ climate ratings and commitments to net zero covering scope 1,2 and 3. With some commitments starting in 2025, this added great context and highlighted the urgency for global mobility functions to start planning how they can begin tracking and meeting their organisation’s commitments around reducing their greenhouse gases (GHGs). The group then identified the global mobility activities that contribute towards scope 3 emissions, especially around:
- · Purchased goods and services
- · Upstream transportation and distribution
- · Waste generated in operations
- · Business travel
- · Employee commuting
Participants then set to work on building a compelling business case for executing a sustainability program for global mobility. Following the workshop Stephen Park and his team gave an update on their global mobility sustainability journey at Schneider, having already successfully built their business case and embarked on their sustainability roadmap. Stephen outlined how they are working with the consulting team at Schneider to identify the operational elements and type of data collection needed for emissions accounting.
Sanjala rounded up the workshop by sharing what the next steps would look like during the emissions measurement phase and how the consulting team can partner with organisations to achieve target setting & decarbonization roadmap development.
If you are keen to learn more about ESG and global mobility, would like to attend a future workshop or are interested to join the ATMA ESG committee please reach out to Sean Collins, Director of ESG at ATMA on

Sanjala Hari
Sustainability Business
Schneider Electric

Stephen Park
International Talent Mobility
Schneider Electric