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The Foundation Partners are a group of companies who came together with one goal:  To create a talent mobility organization focused on the needs of Asian countries, companies and communities.  From the very beginning, they engaged in ATMA with leadership and finances to make ATMA programs and services possible.

The Foundation Partners consist of 12 companies who:

  • Share the Vision and Mission of ATMA
  • Wish to invest in and support our unique non-profit organization
  • Actively contribute to the talent management community 

If you are interested in supporting ATMA and working towards a cohesive and productive talent mobility industry in Asia, contact us for more information about Foundation Partner availability and Sponsorship opportunities.  Foundation Partners have a history of leadership in the global mobility space and a committed presence in Asia.  They represent a cross-section of industry stakeholders, companies and cultures.  We can all be grateful for their vision and dedication to our group.

Foundation Partner - $10,000.00 (USD) Bundle (up to 5 members) Subscription period: 2 years No automatically recurring payments

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